Part 5: Organizational Structure Design

Background information

Currently, I am a part-time employee working as a food packager at the Harvest Bakery & Deli, which is one of the oldest and most well-known bakeries in Winnipeg. They have been serving Winnipeggers for over 40 years now.

Glenn Wilde, the co-owner with his current son-in-law Andy Kostynuik, bought the Bun Master Bakery franchise in 1981 and renamed it into Harvest Bakery & Deli. They together transformed a small bakery into one of the most reputable stores in Winnipeg.

While working there, I have a chance to meet some of the senior employees, who have been working for them over 30 years. That means the organization’s broad mission and goals are not only serving the customers, but also creating a long-term working environment for every employee.

External environmental factors

The external factor of Harvest Bakery & Deli that has the biggest impact would be health and sustainability. They are always concerning on eco-friendly packaging and exploring environmental-friendly source of produce. Additionally, compliance with food safety standards and regulations is crucial for them to maintain their reputation and ensure customer trust.

Internal environmental factors

The internal factor of Harvest Bakery & Deli that has the biggest impact would be customers and employees' satisfaction. At the time that Glenn bought the store, it was ranked #95 out of 112 in Winnipeg. After only 3 years of operation, his business moved up to the top in terms of customer satisfaction.

The level of customer service, such as personalized orders, special requests, and catering services, can impact the organizational structure. It required a dedicated customer service team to ensure customer satisfaction.

The ideal structure for Harvest Bakery & Deli

An ideal organizational structure for Harvest Bakery & Deli would be the Matrix structure combining functional and divisional structure. While working, I notice that the manager frequently uses teams of employees to accomplish work, in order to take advantage of the strengths, as well as make up for the weaknesses.

This matrix structure can effectively address the organization's diverse tasks, goals, job characteristics, and growth cycle, while also accommodating the external factors. By adopting a matrix structure with functional and divisional elements, Harvest Bakery & Deli can leverage the strengths of both structures, and effectively address its internal and external environment. The functional structure ensures specialization, efficiency, and coordination within departments, while the divisional structure allows flexibility, and innovation.

Organization chart



  1. Hi, Leo. Thank you for sharing.
    Your analysis of the internal and external environmental factors affecting Harvest Bakery & Deli and their decision to use a matrix structure that combines functional and divisional elements is insightful. The tasks and mission of the company seem to be well matched with the chosen structure.
    The company's dedication to upholding its reputation and customers' trust is evident by its emphasis on external factors like health, sustainability, and adherence to food safety regulations. The matrix structure promotes departmental coordination and specialization, which is essential for ensuring adherence to laws governing food safety and addressing environmental issues. Harvest Bakery & Deli can successfully handle its varied tasks, objectives, and job characteristics by making use of the strengths of both functional and divisional elements.
    The emphasis on customer and employee satisfaction as internal factors focuses how crucial it is to deliver top-notch customer service and foster a stable work environment. A dedicated customer service team can be formed thanks to the matrix structure, helping to increase customer satisfaction and fulfill unique orders and requests. The divisional components of the structure give the organization flexibility and innovation so it can change to meet the changing needs and preferences of its customers.
    Overall, the analysis and organizational structure selections provided by you demonstrate a good understanding of Harvest Bakery & Deli's environment and needs. Well done!


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