Race and Ethnicity in the Workplace (Racial Diversity in the Workplace #5)

This article examines the state of diversity in the U.S. workforce, focusing on the representation of people of color, women, gay and transgender individuals, and people with disabilities. Diversity is seen as a crucial factor contributing to a strong and inclusive economy, fostering innovation and creativity. Currently, people of color make up 36% of the labor force, and women account for 47%. The proportion of people of color in the workforce is expected to increase as the U.S. becomes more racially and ethnically diverse. Gay and transgender workers constitute 6.28% of the workforce, while people with disabilities represent 11% but are underutilized.

The article highlights the lack of diversity in corporate boardrooms, where only 4.2% of Fortune 500 CEOs are people of color, and just 3.6% are female. However, diversity is strong among business owners, with people of color owning 22.1% and women owning 28.8% of all U.S. businesses.

Despite the growing diversity in the overall workforce, certain sectors and industries still lack representation. For example, nonprofits have 82% white employees and only 18% people of color, not reflecting the overall demographics. Similarly, the senior levels of the federal government lack diversity, with projections showing underrepresentation of Hispanics and women in top positions.

The article concludes that diversity is a core strength of the country, and businesses should continue to embrace and capitalize on diversity as the workforce becomes more diverse, recognizing that diversity drives economic growth and societal progress.


Burns, C. et al. (2012, July 12). The State of Diversity in Today’s Workforce. The Center for American Progress. https://www.americanprogress.org/article/the-state-of-diversity-in-todays-workforce/


  1. Great job on this article Leo! It's great that you've examined the state of diversity in the U.S. workforce and highlighted the representation of different groups like people of color, women, LGBTQ+ individuals, and people with disabilities. I am totally agree that by embracing diversity, businesses can develop innovation, creativity, and economic growth. This article is important because it shows the importance of creating a diverse and fair workplace for everyone. Keep up the good work in promoting diversity and equality.


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