Part 3: Personal Leadership Philosophy


Here are the three people that I admire the most for their leadership abilities:

1. Lionel Andrés Messi

Lionel Messi is an Argentine professional footballer, who is considered the greatest player of all time. It is nothing more to say about this man's talent in football. In this article, I would not analyze about his soccer skills, I would like to introduce about his role in the Argentina national football team as the Captain. Here are some of the key values of his leadership in his team:

Messi has been appointed as the captain of the Argentine national team, and his leadership in both on and off the field has been instrumental in guiding and inspiring his teammates. He has emphasized the importance of collective efforts and ensures that the team's goals take the priority over individual achievements. He provides guidance, encouragement, and support to his teammates, helping them develop and perform at their best.

Additionally, Messi is known for his positive attitude and sportsmanship. He leads his team by fair play, respect for his opponents, and grace in victory and defeat. His positive attitude helps create a harmonious and supportive team environment.

2. Donald John Trump

The second person I would mention in this list is the 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump. By the time he was elected to be the U.S. president, Trump had been a successful business, an author, and an entrepreneur.

Trump's leadership was characterized by a direct and unfiltered communication style. He effectively utilized social media platforms, such as Twitter, to directly communicate his messages to the public, bypassing traditional media channels. Supporters often appreciated this communication style, which they saw as a unique value from other traditional politicians. They believed he was authentic and transparent, willing to speak his mind without being constrained by political norms.

On the other hand, Trump's vision is outstanding and far-sighted. In his own book "The Art of the Deal", he mentioned that when he needs to think, he always "think big", even something that is unbelievable. That is how he made himself a decisive leader who is unafraid to take bold actions. Supporters like me always admire him as someone who could break the entrenched systems and make tough decisions in the White House as well as the Pentagon.

3. Elon Reeve Musk

The last one on my list is Elon Musk, the founder, CEO and chief engineer of SpaceX and Tesla. He has also acquired Twitter and become the chairman in 2022.

Like Donald Trump, Musk is well-known for his ambitious and futuristic vision. He aims to tackle big challenges such as sustainable energy, space exploration, and transportation. His belief in the potential for transformative technologies and his willingness to take on seemingly impossible tasks have inspired many colleagues and his supporters. Additionally, his communication style to the public is somehow similar to that of Trump. He often utilizes social media to share updates, engages with followers, and responds to questions and concerns. This approach has created a strong connection between Musk and his supporters.

On the other hand, Musk is also known for his hard work as he is highly involved in the daily operations of his companies. He is known to work long hours and be deeply involved in various aspects of the production process such as designing, engineering, and decision-making. His attention to detail and approach reflect his commitment to be a perfectionist.

My personal leadership philosophy

I believe in the power of self-esteem, integrity, motivating and communication. My leadership philosophy develops in a set of values, beliefs, and behaviors that guide my actions and decisions throughout my career. I strive to create a positive and inclusive work environment where individuals can thrive, collaborate, and achieve their full potential.

At the core of my leadership philosophy is the value of self-esteem. I believe in being genuine and transparent, leading with honesty and integrity. By embracing self-esteem, I aim to build trust and credibility among my team members, fostering an environment where open communication and constructive feedback are encouraged. By leading with self-esteem, I inspire my team to aim to the same goal, creating a culture of transparency and trust.

Integrity is the next fundamental value that I consider the most essential for every leader to possess. I am committed to being honest, transparent, and accountable in all my interactions. I make decisions based on fairness, respect, and the best interests of my team or the organization as a whole. I understand that integrity builds trust and credibility, both within the team and with external stakeholders.

Motivating others is another key aspect of my leadership philosophy. I believe in inspiring and empowering my team members to reach their full potential. I would provide my team members with the resources, guidance, and mentorship they need to succeed. By providing clear goals and expectations, I could motivate my team to go above and beyond in their jobs.

As a leader, effective communication is essential in bringing together self-esteem, integrity, and motivation. I believe in open and transparent communication, ensuring that information flows smoothly and everyone is well-informed. I listen actively to my team members, encouraging them to raise opinions and ideas. I understand that effective communication plays an pivotal role in aligning goals and building a collaborative and motivated team.

In summary, my personal leadership philosophy is built upon the values of self-esteem, integrity, communication and motivating others. By these values, I aim to create an inclusive and empowering environment where individuals can feel "safe" to express themselves. I also believe that through effective communication, open collaboration, and a commitment to personal and professional growth, I can inspire and guide my team to achieve both individual and collective goals.


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