How to Promote Racial Equity in the Workplace (Racial Diversity in the Workplace #1)

This article provides a practical roadmap for promoting racial equity in the workplace, emphasizing the importance of understanding and addressing the problem of racism within organizations. The author suggests a five-stage model called "PRESS" that organizations should go through sequentially to achieve sustainable progress:

Problem Awareness: The first step is to build consensus about the existence of racism in the workplace, as research shows that many White employees do not recognize it. Organizations must acknowledge that racism can occur without deliberate malice or intent.

Root-Cause Analysis: Once problem awareness is established, organizations should conduct a thorough analysis to identify the underlying causes of racial inequity within their systems and policies.

Empathy: Genuine concern for the people affected by racism is crucial. Empathy helps foster understanding and drives motivation for addressing the problem effectively.

Strategies for Addressing the Problem: Organizations need to develop concrete strategies and policies to combat racism and promote racial equity. This may involve changes in hiring practices, diversity training, and inclusive policies.

Sacrifice: Achieving racial equity requires commitment and investment of time, energy, and resources from leaders and employees alike. Organizations must be willing to make sacrifices to implement the necessary strategies successfully.

The article highlights that racial discrimination can be pervasive in seemingly "race-neutral" policies and even in organizations with diversity commitments. It also points out the prevalence of unconscious bias, as evidenced by studies showing differential treatment based solely on race, such as in résumé studies.

To achieve meaningful progress, organizations must confront these biases and actively work to create inclusive and equitable environments for all employees. The road to racial equity involves understanding the problem, developing empathy, and implementing comprehensive strategies to drive positive change.


Livingston, R. (2020, September). How to Promote Racial Equity in the Workplace. Harvard Business Review.


  1. This article provides an insightful roadmap for promoting racial equity in the workplace through the "PRESS" model. It emphasizes the need to acknowledge the existence of racism, even in seemingly neutral policies, and to conduct root-cause analyses to identify underlying issues. Empathy plays a crucial role in understanding and addressing the problem effectively. Concrete strategies and policies, along with sacrifices from leaders and employees, are essential for achieving sustainable progress. By confronting unconscious biases and creating inclusive environments, organizations can create meaningful change and drive toward racial equity for all employees.


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